Policy Briefs
We focus on contemporary public policy issues, such as confederate monuments in public spaces, the opioid crisis, infant mortality, residential segregation, etc. This page provides policy briefs that inform policymakers of the marginalized voices within our society and aim to improve conditions for marginalized/underserved communities.
March 2024
Filling the Gap: Enhancing the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem for Black and Hispanic Entrepreneurs
This white paper examines current research, identifies best practices within the United States, and formulates recommendations to further equity in access, process, quality, and outcomes to inform thought leaders, policymakers, practitioners, community influencers, and entrepreneurs on how to translate research into actions that benefit Black and Hispanic entrepreneurs within the entrepreneurial ecosystem from the greater Richmond community.
August 2023
2023 Create, Grow, Scale Entrepreneurship Convening: Summary Report
In partnership with Capital One Insights Center, the Research Institute for Social Equity (the Institute) hosted a convening to discuss the ecosystem around Black and Hispanic businesses in Richmond, Virginia. This full-day experience brought together thought leaders, policymakers, practitioners, community influencers, and entrepreneurs from the greater Richmond community to strategize how to translate research into action toward economic outcomes that benefit Black and Hispanic entrepreneurs. This summary paper offers an overview of the sessions and outcomes of this convening.
April 2022
Ensuring Language Access Equity in Virginia Government Services
This research report addresses the growing language needs of multilingual communities and people with LEP within the scope of the Appropriations Act, and the language equity and access for individuals with disabilities living in the Commonwealth of Virginia given the need for accessibility for people with disabilities (PWD) and the charge given within Executive Order 47. This report also assesses how the needs of people with LEP and PWD are currently being met and provides recommendations to implement a state government language access policy that ensures equitable access to state services for people with limited language proficiency, including multilingual speakers, people with disabilities, and those with low literacy levels.
January 2022
COVID Vaccine Hesitancy Report
This policy brief addresses the growing language needs of multilingual communities and people with Limited English proficiency (LEP) within the scope of the Appropriations Act, and the language equity and access for individuals with disabilities living in the Commonwealth of Virginia given the need for accessibility for people with disabilities (PWD) and the charge given within Executive Order 47.
Wilder School Faculty Research
Our faculty conduct and communicate groundbreaking research that focuses on social equity issues and aims to inform public policy and practice. This page highlights some of the research work of our faculty.
Editors: Elsie L. Harper-Anderson, Jay S. Albanese, Susan T. Gooden
Racial Equity, COVID-19, and Public Policy: The Triple Pandemic
Publication Type
February 2023
Racial Justice, Health Policy, Economic Policy
Author: Brittany Keegan
Community-Engaged Philanthropy: The Role of the Fundraiser in Building Equitable Communities
Publication Type
Special Issue Article
December 2021
Social Equity, Community, Intersectionality
Authors: Christina Mancini, Robyn McDougle, & Brittany Keegan
A First Step, a Second Chance: Public Support for Restoring Rights of Individuals with Prior Convictions
Publication Type
Research Article
November 2021
Social Equity, Reentry, Public Perception
Authors: Nakeina E. Douglas-Glenn, Shabana K. Shaheen, Elizabeth P. Marlowe, & Kiara S. Faulks
Minority Political Leadership Institute: A Model for Developing Racial Equity Leadership
Publication Type
Research Article
October 2021
Racial Equity, Leadership Development, Critical Race Theory
Authors: Shelly Smith & Sarah Raskin
Achieving Health Equity: Examining Telehealth in Response to a Pandemic
Publication Type
Text Article
February 2021
Health Policy, Advance Practice Nursing, Telehealth
Authors: Benjamin F. Teresa & Kathryn L. Howell
Eviction and Segmented Housing Markets in Richmond, Virginia
Publication Type
Research Article
December 2020
Social Equity, Housing Policy, Eviction
Author: Patrick G. Lowery
The Impact of Race, Sex, and Structured Activities on the Intake and Adjudication Processes of Status Offenders
Publication Type
Research Article
August 2020
Social Equity, Juvenile Justice, Intersectionality
Author: Susan T. Gooden
Race and Social Equity: A Nervous Area in Government
Publication Type
May 2014
Race Equity, Social Equity, Government Policy
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